The Recipe for Success
Artisan and craft breads are a rising star of the baked goods industry. Just as consumers desire more choices in their daily bread, bakeries need flexible systems for baking baguettes to buns, sour doughs to ryes, Turkish bread to ciabattas — as well as a standard loaf. Auto-Bake has the ideal industrial bread baking system for all these artisan, home-style and family bread needs.
Our unique Serpentine bread oven system produces crusty, consistent breads baked from the bottom up, with true taste and texture. And for those who want the genuine forms and flavors of artisan-style breads, we’ve fused modern continuous baking technology with the option of a traditional stone hearth that retains solid heat at 250-260 degrees Celcius and adds that characteristic craftsman ‘curl’ from the base.
Our Modular Solution
Oven-alone, piece-by-piece or end-to-end — Auto-Bake’s fully customized artisan and craft bread solutions produce ‘home-style’ or pan-formed loaves with minimal manual input, optimum throughput and maximum output.
Make-Up and Forming Plant
- Integrates with all types of dough make-up equipment
- Variable speed
- Optional bypass
- Conventional steam or
- Water mist proofing
Serpentine Oven
- Radiant or direct fired convection or stone hearth
- Fixed or free pan
- Zone temperature and moisture control
- Air movement efficiency
- Minimal maintenance
- Viewing doors
- Easy access for cleaning
- Effective steam zone
- PLC control
- Energy Efficient
- Robotic or continuous vacuum de-panning
Cooling & Freezing
- Integrated or additional
- Ambient, refrigerated or
- Blast freezing available

Baking Benefits
From baguettes through to chewy ciabattas and tasty Turkish breads, Auto-Bake Serpentine bread baking ovens deliver these delicious benefits:
Superior Product Consistency
The specially designed oven incorporates an effective steam zone. Plus, in stone hearth ovens, the stones are reheated on the return path to ensure constant high temperature.
Full Crust, Moist Result, Oven Spring and Volume
These ideal bread attributes are courtesy of the oven’s steaming zone, combined with careful moisture control and multi-zone heating.
Continuous Production
All operations are fully synchronized. The variable speed proofer is accurately matched to the speed of the oven.
Customized Cool-Off
Ambient and refrigerated coolers, plus blast freezer options, cater to all supply specifications.
Optimum Flexibility and Product Choice
Standard pans or stones can be easily interchanged with strap pans, fluted tins, cavity pans, bun pans and any others.
Business Benefits
Business Benefits Auto-Bake industrial baking oven systems offer superior quality and repeatability, all in an affordable package.
Reduced Labor Costs
Fully automated depositing, panning and de-panning processes.
Optimize Energy and Time
The oven is always at full baking temperature when raw batter enters, minimizing energy consumption and baking time.
Fuel-Efficient and Environmentally Friendly
Touch-Screen Total Control
Seamless integration of the baking line with plant-wide supervisory and control systems.
Auto-Bake Advantages
Small Footprint
The Serpentine oven occupies one-tenth the footprint of an equivalent tunnel oven or band line, freeing space for ancillary activities. Expand your operation without expanding your plant.
From 30 pans to 300, free pans or clip pans, stand-alone oven to end-to-end systems, Auto-Bake custom-builds to suit your business and budget.
Advanced control systems and interfaces for easy operation and maintenance, programmable synchronization of oven and ancillary activities.